Inclusion is a sense of belonging for all.

Varied perspectives on controversial issues.

Understanding and appreciation of shared values.

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  • Value diversity
  • Recognize differences as positive attributes
  • Critical analysis
  • Examination of personally held beliefs and values
  • Understand the origins of personal beliefs

Suggested Videos

  • Episode 2 – Change Steve’s Name
  • Episode 6 – God Salesman
  • Episode 7 – The Hike
  • Episode 8 – The “J” Word
  • Episode 9 – For Men and Women
  • Episode 10 – Better Half
  • Episode 12 – Who Would Eat That
  • Episode 13 – Islam vs Muslim
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Curriculum Hot zones


Marie is a recent teaching grad. She just finished her first year teaching grade 8 and is welcoming students back after summer holidays. Marie is perplexed at the requests she is receiving from some of the Muslim parents in the class. One parent has requested their son to be exempted from the compulsory Music program. They told Marie that Music is against their religion and their son Bilal can’t participate. This is odd as Marie is having difficulty with another boy Muhammad who she cannot get to take off his head phones during class. The music he is playing is so loud it is disturbing to others. In another case, Sarah and her mom are asking for an exemption from co-ed gym class. Our school doesn’t have a separate gym classes! What should Marie do? Are these requests reasonable? 

Relevant Video

Questions for Reflection:

Are there other special educational exemptions given to students of other faiths – days off for religious celebrations; dietary restrictions; etc.?

Are there other religious faiths that have a plurality of views and different levels of conservatism?  e.g. Orthodox and Reform movements in Judaism.

Teaching Points:

Schools by their nature are very diverse places allowing for learning and sharing

What relevant questions could be asked to better understand the situation

  • What does the school and teacher know about various levels of conservatism in the faiths of the student population?
  • Are there precedents in other faith groups?
  • How have other schools handled such situations?
  • Are the parents and children reputable and honest – do they appear to be dedicated to their faith?

Conservative Muslims may request limited interaction between genders; have strong opinions on morality and may seek special accommodation

Students should be asked for creative solutions to balance school and student interest

Learning Objectives:

  • Students should recognize plurality of views and practices in religions
  • Diversity issues are often complex with complex solutions
  • Balancing everyone’s interest is possible through communication and collaboration


Flexibility, Alternatives & building Potential


Marie, a recent teaching grad and new teacher, is developing a holiday pageant. The event will be a fun filled evening of song and dance prepared by her students. Marie has a request from a parent of a Muslim student named Bilal. The parents do not want Bilal participating in such events as dancing and music are against his religion. They are also uncomfortable that the event takes place close to Christmas and are concerned their son will be participating in other peoples’ religious practices. Marie reassure the parents that it is a non-denominational event that has been designed to celebrate the unity of all people. The parents are still skeptical and prefer Bilal not participate. Marie requests that the parents consider Bilal to be part of the stage crew making sets instead. She explains that this will prevent Bilal from feeling isolated from his fellow class-mates while maintaining his family’s values. The parents agree. Bilal proves himself an excellent asset to the pageant coming up with brilliant solutions to the set design which boasts his self-esteem and strengthens his relations with peers.

Relevant Video

  • Episode 2 – Change Steve’s Name

Questions for Reflection:

What actions do you think the school and Marie are doing correctly?

Is Marie providing too much accommodation?

Will Marie’s accommodation open the way for needless special requests?

Teaching Points:

Diversity means accommodating the needs of all

Creative solutions can be developed to ensure everyone’s needs are met

Diversity and pluralism enrich situations by bring forward new ideas and solutions

Learning Objectives:

  •  All people should be empowered to reach their full potential
  • Pluralism and diversity sometimes require people to change and modify behaviors
  • Flexibility and an open mind are pre-requisite to successful outcomes in balancing diverse perspectives

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