Steve's Struggle

We all have our struggles.  Check out what is Steve's biggest struggle that has been going on for a very long time and for many people. 


Different Folks, Different Strokes

Is religion really a thing of a past?  By the way, I get a lot of these interesting comments.  But hey, keep it coming!  Steve and I would love to hear from you guys anytime!

Does God Exist?

A very common question - does God exist?  Well, Steve shared his diary with us on his thoughts on "Does God Exist?"


Muslims in Portugal?!

I can't believe there are Muslims everywhere?!  Just met Fernando today and he is a Muslim from Portugal!  Who would have thought -Muslims in Portugal - Cristiano Ronaldo is from there!



Steve has asked me to ponder on gratefulness.  And here is what I came up with.  What are you grateful for everyday?