Media literacy, artistic & literary forms

Assessing, interpreting and evaluating mass media texts

Alternative voices in the media

Art for social change

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  • Recognize how world views and personal identities are shaped
  • Recognize the evolving nature of individual identities
  • Appreciation and acceptance of differing world views
  • Understand issues and challenges of others
  • Understand personal identity


Suggested Videos

  • Episode 6 – God Salesman
  • Episode 8 – The “J” Word
  • Episode 11 – Margarine – Spread by the Sword
  • Episode 13 – Islam vs Muslim





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Ahmed the Suspicious


Educators and students at the school have suspicion about a teenage boy Ahmed who has recently moved to the school. The boy they believe is from Pakistan or Afghanistan and that his actions are a cause for concern. He wears foreign clothes and has a large beard. He seems overly shy and has a limited social life with the children around him. Some teachers think this is a cause for concern and believe that his actions pose a potential security threat. Should the school contact authorities to notify them of his odd behavior, dress and possible security threat?

Relevant Video

Questions for Reflection

Is the student doing well in school? 

Are the parents concerned or have they inquired about their son? 

Is the boy not interacting with females but interacting ok with males? 

Teaching Points

Don’t judge a book by its cover

What relevant questions could be asked to distinguish between prejudices and fact

  • the boy is in an unfamiliar environment and adjusting;
  • people come from different backgrounds and cultures with accompanying differences in clothing;
  • culturally Muslims and people from South Asian backgrounds do not intermix between genders as freely as in some western countries;
  • parents would be equally concerned about a child’s radicalization

How has the media and popular images affected our public perceptions of other races, cultures and religions?

Learning Objectives

  • Students should be able to recognize when their judgment may be impaired by prejudice
  • Students should understand the importance of critical thinking when dealing with prejudices
  • Students should learn to look past surface traits to have better understanding of the individual

If you would like a copy of the Educators Guide and the Booklets, please fill out the form below: