family & society

 Customs and traditions of families in various cultures

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  • Appreciation of different definitions of family
  • Appreciation of the institution of marriage


Suggested Videos

  • Episode 9 – For Men and Women
  • Episode 10 – Better Half


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Curriculum Hot zones


Edna is the school guidance counselor for over 20 years. Edna longs for the way it used to be when everyone spoke the same language and everyone knew the rules of the game. The other day Fatimah a Muslim girl at the school came to speak with her. Fatimah is having issues at home and characterizes her parents as too strict and traditional. Fatimah has a boy friend that her parents don’t know about. She confides in Edna that she feels so much freedom when she is with her boy friend and they go to parties. Fatima told Edna that if her parents ever find out, she will be beaten and doesn’t know what will happen. Edna has done some checking to find that Fatimah’s marks have dropped – she used to be an honors student; her teachers are complaining about her and her new group of friends being very disruptive; Fatimah’s boy friend has a record for drug dealing and sexual harassment. Edna however is very concerned that if the issue is brought up to the parents that Fatimah will be beaten as Fatimah has said. Edna is also worried about reports in the news about honor killings. Edna thinks the best thing is to let Fatimah stay on her current course – most girls her age have boy friends and attend parties. It is Fatimah’s choice how well she does in school. Edna thinks doing nothing is better than the violence and possibility of an honor killing. Besides she is only a few years from retirement and doesn’t need the hassle of getting police involved. “Besides these people should have been prepared coming to this country anyways, they can’t expect things to be like they were in the old country.”

Relevant Video

Questions for Reflection:

What are the various interest at stake in this situation e.g. Fatimah; Edna; Fatimah’s parents?

Is Fatimah acting responsibly? Is Edna acting responsibly?

What can be done about the family and their conservative beliefs in this situation?

Teaching Points

It is a very real situation that some Muslim students rebel against their parents and go to the opposite extreme pushing the limits of drugs, sexual activity, etc.

There are many differences between social and familial norms between cultures. It is difficult to make broad generalizations and value judgments between cultures.

Edna should assess her reaction to the situation – is the likelihood of an honor killing a realistic outcome

Muslim cultures are often more conservative than North American. These attitudes are often rooted in religious beliefs and practices. It is useful to understand such beliefs.

Learning Objectives:

  • Students should recognize the strong influence family and culture play upon identity
  • Students should understand the value of multiple cultures and histories as enriching rather than restricting
  • Students should learn to recognize and adopt responsible behavior and attitudes

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