Mujeeb and Steve is the tale of Muslims looking to be better understood by people of all faiths. This 13-part comic animation series introduces some essential aspects of Muslim beliefs and customs. Mujeeb and Steve are two amateur video bloggers – both are Muslim but with very different perspectives. Playing on the popular sitcom format viewers fall in love with Mujeeb and Steve, their light- hearted humor and their friendly, non-confrontational approach to the topics.

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Episode 1: Sparkly Hat - Topies


Mujeeb invites Steve on the show for the very first time. The two butt heads over the topic of the show. Mujeeb wants to speak about Islam from a cultural perspective. Steve instead addresses the central premise of Muslim beliefs - the oneness of God.

Theme Areas:

  • World Religions – religious beliefs
  • Race and Identity – culture vs religion
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Episode 2: Change Steve's Name


Steve is a Muslim by choice and Mujeeb wants him change his name to something more “Islamic”. Of course Steve resists and attempts to broaden Mujeeb’s world view. This episode challenges the misconception that the religion of Islam is only for Arabs.

Theme Areas:

  • Pluralism and Diversity – misconception all Muslims are Arabs
  • Race and Identity – personal identity in religious and cultural contexts


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Episode 3: Sweet as Can Be


Mujeeb patronizes Steve with a gift of a new Quran – the Muslim holy book. Mujeeb is very proud of the fact that he has a bookshelf filled with Qurans that he never reads. Steve has a well used copy that he carries with him. Steve explains that religious scriptures are not decorations and need to be read and internalized.

Theme Areas:

  • History – historical context of the Quran
  • World Religions – religious beliefs, what is the Quran


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Episode 4: Heebie Jeebies


Steve is late for the show as he was attending a funeral prayer at the mosque. The funeral brings up the discussion of death and the Muslim view of the hereafter. Mujeeb questions Steve about who will attain paradise and who will be..., not so lucky.

Theme Areas:

  • Race, Identity and Gender – Differing world views on death and afterlife
  • World Religions – religious beliefs, Muslim views on death and afterlife


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Episode 5: My Favorite Person


Mujeeb tries to get on Steve’s best friend list. Steve tells Mujeeb that his favorite person is the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. Steve summarizes the life and contributions of the Prophet Muhammad to world history.

Theme Areas:

  • History – Muhammad and his legacy as an historical figure
  • Family and Society – Muhammad’s as social reformer
  • World Religions – religious beliefs, position of Muhammad in Islam
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Episode 6: God Salesman


Mujeeb locks Steve out of the show thinking he is a door-to-door Christian preacher. Steve educates Mujeeb about Christian beliefs and the similarities and differences between the two religions. Mujeeb learns a lesson about manners and respect.

Theme Areas:

  • Pluralism and Diversity – Prejudices can be universal
  • Race, Identity and Gender – Identity and worldview shaped by place of origin
  • World Religions – Muslim perspectives on Jesus
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Episode 7: The Hike


Mujeeb is curious about Steve’s religion before he became a Muslim. Steve, although born a Christian, was an agnostic. Steve cared for people and acted righteously but didn’t really think much about God.

Theme Areas:

  • Race, Identity and Gender – Faith and religion as a component of identity
  • Race, Identity and Gender - Evolving personal identities in contemporary societies
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Episode 8: The "J" Word


Mujeeb thinks he will be sent to Guantanamo Bay prison for terrorists because Steve starts speaking about jihad on their vlog. Steve explains that he must speak about the topic as “jihad” is misunderstood and misused in the media. Mujeeb reluctantly agrees to let Steve speak and he learns that “jihad” is not a sensationalist term but instead refers to the struggle people must do to improve themselves.

Theme Areas:

  • Pluralism and Diversity – Muslims as “other”
  • Media Literacy & Artistic and Literary Forms – Media stereotypes and the impact on personal identity
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Episode 9: for men & women


Steve invites a special guest onto the show – Mujeeb’s mom. Steve explains that people need to understand more about “hijab” – the head covering used by some Muslim women. A topic neither of them are expert on. Ummi, Mujeeb’s mom enlightens the pair that modesty is expected from both genders.

Theme Areas:

  • Race, Identity and Gender – Women in Islam
  • Family and Society – Islamic perspectives on gender
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Episode 10: better Half


Ummi, Mujeeb’s mother visits the show for her 2nd special appearance. The topic this time is marriage - something Mujeeb and Steve know very little about. The audience learns about the high esteem Muslims place on marriage. Mujeeb however simply feels revulsion.

Theme Areas:

  • Family and Society – Islamic perspectives on marriage and family
  • Race, Identity and Gender – Varying world views on gender relations
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Episode 11: spread by the sword


Steve responds to a tweet from one of their viewers voicing the common misconception that Islam is inherently violent and historically imperialistic. Steve explains to the viewer the early history of Muslims; there is no compulsion in religion; and that Islam protects life above all else.

Theme Areas:

  • Pluralism and Diversity – Clash of civilizations
  • History – Multiple perspectives on world history
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Episode 12:  Who would eat that?


Mujeeb prepares special samosas for Steve to enjoy during this episode of their vlog. Mujeeb is surprised to find that Steve is considering a more vegetarian diet. The pair discuss a Muslim diet and foods that are prohibited to Muslims.

Theme Areas:

  • Race, Identity and Gender – Diet and food as a manifestation of culture
  • Comparative Civilizations & World Religions - Religious dietary
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Episode 13:  Islam VS Muslims


The closing episode of Season 1 has Mujeeb formally giving Steve equal billing as the “Mujeeb and Steve” show. Mujeeb admits he thought he was going to teach Steve, a new Muslim about Islam. Instead he finds that Steve is thoroughly well informed. They also discuss the difference between the teachings of Islam and how some Muslims give Islam a bad name.

Theme Areas:

  • Race, Identity and Gender – Difference between religion and the actions of individuals
  • Media Literacy & Artistic and Literary Forms – Understanding media stereotypes